If you decide to go with the marketing package, I will be able to use the content from the site to develop some collateral as well if that would be beneficial (on me)
This section will provide a solution to generating and converting web traffic through our each of our lead sources.
We can run Pay Per Click campaigns on less competitive keywords. For example, we wouldn't want to bid on "las vegas home worth", because it's highly competitive with a CPC of 17.00 dollars. However, "selling property with renters occupying it" has over 70 searches per month with almost no bids (this one term brings https://ballenvegas.com/4-tips-on-how-to-sell-a-tenant-occupied-property 35 visitors/per month). We can make our ad show as a top search result and we pay per click for services we want to put a little push behind. I can cross reference what we would like to promote and what keywords are workable. We can do this with a SKAG strategy (Single Keyword Ad Groups). SKAGS are ad groups designed with a one-to-one relationship between the root keyword and the ad. For example, let's say you search "selling property with renters occupying it" the ad will reference exactly that, and send them somewhere specifically for Tennant Occupied Properties. The idea is to have dynamic keyword insertion for what the visitor is interested in, a one to one relationship between a search term and the ad presented. We can do this with 100s, sometimes 1000s, of keywords.
Social Campaign Thoughts
Facebook may have a play for custom audiences. This strategy targets specific people with personalized messages. Whether it be email addresses, phone numbers, or even user IDs, we can pull a list of from wherever your customer data is stored (maybe lions desk), upload it, and target people with ads that are relevant to where they are within your funnel.
We can also run lead gen. This makes it possible to fill out a form or call without leaving the native platform of Facebook or Instagram. We can target homeowners and custom audiences. We can also retarget on SM to people who have already visited our site.
We can target on Google's Display Network. We will target people who have taken action on the site. This is done through cookies. You have probably seen Google Display Ads when on a resourceful website (e.g. Business Insider). On the sides of articles you may see an ad for something you were on the other day, this is the display network.
I like to breakout display campaigns according to where the visitor is at in our funnel. Many of times their actions on the site can tell you where they are in the funnel. Here is an example
1.) Someone was on our site for less than 5 minutes
2.) Someone was on our site for more than 5 minutes
3.) Someone filled out a form, but never answered the phone.
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It's been a pleasure working on this. I am excited to hear your thoughts. Thank you again, Todd!